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Italcementi and CTIEC Sign EPC Contract

Source: Bengbu Design & Research Institute for Glass Industry

Date: July 25, 2012 

On July 19, a delegation of six members led by Fabrizio Donega, vice president of Italcementi Group visited China Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd. (CTIEC). Peng Shou, chairman and president of CTIEC met with the delegation. The two sides signed the EPC contract of the 3,200t/d cement production line constructed by Italcementi in Shymkent, Kazakhstan.

Founded in 1864, Italcementi is the world's fifth largest cement producer which has rigorous requirements for contractors in terms of technology and quality.

In recent years, CTIEC has vigorously developed international businesses, and has constructed an array of cement production lines in ex-Soviet countries including Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. The cement production lines delivered by CTIEC have fully met and partly exceeded contract indicators in terms of construction quality, progress and performance assessment.

