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Five Grid-Connected PV Power Plants in the UK Contracted by CTIEC Completed

Source: CTIEC

Date: April 1, 2016

On March 30, along with grid-connection of the 72 MW Shotwick project, five PV Power Plant Projects (i.e. Shotwick Farm 72 MW, Swindon Farm 60 MW, Stanton Under Barton 3.65 MW, Wormit 4.96 MW, and Lower Stanley Farm 4.92 MW), which were contracted by China Triumph International Engineering Co.,Ltd. (CTIEC), were successfully combined to the grid. The installed capacity of Shotwick project ranks the first in the UK, followed secondly by Swindon project.

 As in winter, these projects have undergone great difficulty in construction. However, through adopting an advanced international contractor management mode, CTIEC managed to ensure the high-quality accomplishment of these projects, achieving a record of fastest construction progress in the UK history.


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